Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hey! No Hoggin' the Hero!

I was at Toys R Us yesterday. Um..., I was... shopping for my kids... yeah, shopping for my kids.

After a perusal of the newest lego sets and Star Wars toys (PS: Star Wars + Legos = the coolest toys ever!) I meandered over to the electronics section to see the latest in tot entertainment. Passing the iPod covers my ears were greeted by the unmistakable strains of "Hit me with your best shot" being butchered by somebody with no Guitar Hero skills. I hurried over to see that there was a whole setup for the game being played by a woman with 4 kids climbing in and out of the cart.

I ambled over, trying not to be too obvious that I wanted a turn, because anybody that bad doesn't need any extra pressure. She was booed off the stage and I figured that the embarrassment of that, coupled with me standing behind her would induce a quick retreat. I was wrong. She proceded to play another song, "Even Flow," which has got to be the longest song in the entire game - made longer by the fact that, even on easy she was missing half the notes! As this song was nearing the end, my wife finally found me and was suggesting that it was time to go. I was determined to get my turn as a reward for suffering through the interminable agony of watching this woman suck it up on stage, so I turned around to find this woman lining up yet another song. I couldn't believe the gall. I wanted to say something truly rude, but figured discretion was the better part of not getting thrown out of Toys R Us (though, just between you and me, that would have made a better blog post - to my wife's eternal shame).

So the lesson for the day is, No hoggin' the Hero! If nobody else is waiting, sure go right ahead and take another turn, but if there's a line, you get one turn. If it's that important to you, get to the back of the line and wait for another turn. If it's really that important to you, buy the blasted game and play it at home! But for heaven's sake, get out of my way so I can jam!

1 comment:

Karen C. said...

Joseph will be jammin' on a regular basis and he doesn't even have to share! Oh the joys of being the baby of the family and the last child left at home!! Seriously, the woman had four children climbing in and out of her cart. She clearly has perfected the art of being oblivious to her surroundings. I bet she never even noticed you were there. However, if I could make it through even one song on Guitar Hero without being booed off the stage, I'm sure I would feel your pain.