Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Binary Around the Net

So, to show you that counting in binary is done by more than just nerds, (but mostly because my last two posts had no pictures) I bring you famous people counting in binary.

Condoleezza Rice wanted to let us all know how many book offers shes gotten in the last two months.

Joaquin Phoenix uses binary to let us all know what his chances of success as a pop musician are.

George Bush is flashing the secret service the sign to get him out of this boring convocation in 18 minutes.

Paula Abdul used to be able to count the number of judges on the panel, no wonder she's so upset about the addition.

Rod Blagojevich tells us how many faces he has.

And finally, the Hilton sisters flash their collective IQ.

Those numbers were 992, 0, 18, 3, 2, and 6.

I tried to find a picture of Tiger Woods calling "Four!" but the firewall at work is too good.


Karen C. said...

Wow, Neil! After an absolute dearth of blogs from you (and I do mean dearth in the dearthiest possible interpretation of dearth), we have blogs four days in a row. I think this is rather unfair of you because soon you will have me addicted to your blog site and then you will stop writing and I will be left with nothing but lonliness and blog-site withdrawals (not a pretty sight...)

I wish your brother, John, would get some of this new found "blog religion" and update his blog. His trip to Maui was fascinating for about the first 20 times I read it (and, honestly, who ever gets tired of the Hawaiian Ne Ne?) but I'm ready for something new (but perhaps not quite as scandalous as a binary 4...)

Loved your pictures. You have a wittiness about you!

Anonymous said...

Very funny. You're a true nerd.

The 992 is open to interpretation. First, it assumes the left hand is the "high order 5 bits" (which is a reasonable assumption). Also, her right thumb might be up, making it 993.

But it might be more ambiguous than that. Is the thumb the low order bit on each hand, or is it the pinky on one hand and the thumb on the other? When I hold my hands out facing me, I count from the right thumb as the lowest bit to the left thumb as the highest bit.

But Condoleeza has her hands facing out -- so does it go pinky-to-pinky then?

neil said...

I'm assuming the right thumb as LSB and left thumb as MSB for all of these.

Incidentally, that gave me trouble on Paris Hilton, as the first picture I posted showed her flashing the peace sign with her left hand. I quickly realized my mistake.

As Condie is speaking to the Senate Foreign Affairs committee, she probably figured (and rightly so) that they wouldn't know the difference.

I'm attributing the confused thumb to the fact that she couldn't remember if Random House had called her back or not.