Saturday, April 18, 2009

What Doesn't Taste Good Grilled?

Tonight we were having grilled hot dogs for dinner.

My wife was making a broccoli salad to go with it, so we fried up some bacon for the salad (any salad with bacon in it is a good idea in my book).

As I was standing there, thinking about hot dogs and bacon, an idea struck me...

...what if bacon + hot dog...?
Yes, I did - with the help of some toothpicks.

Look at it there, the king of the grill. The other hot dogs are ashamed to be so naked in its presence.
What's that? You don't think a normal bun will lend it the air of distinction it deserves?
Hmm, you could be on to something. It's a good thing I have this butter and this grill...
Now, there's nothing shameful about that bun, is there?

Add some barbeque sauce (Sweet Baby Ray's, if you please) and mustard to the top and I think that'll do it
Yeah, that'll make em jealous for sure.

Eat your heart out, kid.


Sheri E. said...

That looks delicious. I think you should make some for everyone.

Karen C. said...

Sadie's face is hilarious! And I have to admit--I don't even like hot dogs but you made that one look pretty tempting. With some Sweet Baby Ray's on top I bet it tasted darn good!
PS. You are a pretty funny writer. My name is Mrawmin, and I approve this message...

Katie said...

Hee hee, how did you get that priceless face on camera? Were you just ready when you whipped that bad boy of a hot dog out, or did you tease her to get her to recreate it? Seriously, though, that sounds awesome. I think we might need to have some of those when we get together in June.